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Why #StrongerTogether is so much more than a hashtag

Writer's picture: Remi PearsonRemi Pearson

Okay. We've had weeks now to adjust to how much our beloved, familiar world has changed and the ripples—wave for many—it's caused in our daily lives. But among the turmoil something really amazing is growing in the community.

You're hopefully feeling it like I am. For me, when times get tough, when there's adversity, there's also so many opportunities for us to contribute beyond ourselves.

This is not a 'stop thinking about what's going on for you' thing. Everyone has to look after their own stuff, always. It's just that there can be a tendency to shut down, to retreat, tap into our fear as if that's all there is.

And it's not all there is. There's also wonderful pathways towards reaching out to others.

So the hashtag StrongerTogether, and what that means to me, is really profound.

#StrongerTogether means you and I finding ways we can make a difference and touch people's lives. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture. Just a kind word. Sending a funny photo to a friend. Giving toilet paper.

Whatever it is, the important part is the idea of being stronger together.

So, what you contribute is a really personal thing. Let me share what I believe I can contribute to you.

At the moment, one thing is a program called Empowering You. We've been selling it for four years for $500. Now we're giving it away for free so people can get value from it.

They'll draw strength from it. They’ll be able to have the capacity to give beyond themselves. I love that.

Then my husband JP and I worked out a way—and remember, we're a coaching school—to import hospital grade hand sanitiser, so we're bringing in a container or so of that.

We're making it available to our community at just above cost, and we're including gifts and donations to Foodbank, which is the only food relief organisation in Australia to play a role in times of emergency.

That's a real way we feel we can help us be stronger together. We're also sourcing hospital grade masks, gowns for hospitals.

Then we kept thinking about ways we believe we can contribute, and we've created a community called Coach Your Neighbour, where we can all contribute our coaching services for free.

We’re giving someone help. We're reaching out and saying to someone, "Hey, you matter during these times. I'm here for you."

I'm sure as things unfold over the next months different ways will appear for me and JP and The Coaching Institute to contribute.

My invitation to you is to have a think about how you believe you can contribute to people in your circle of influence.

Share the hashtag #StrongerTogether—I finally figured out how to use the emojis, so you can use a little heart and the hashtag, and you list what you can contribute. A little heart, then 'I have a meal I can deliver to somebody in my neighbourhood. I can leave it on their doorstep.'

It could be #StrongerTogether then, 'I could walk a dog for somebody who doesn't feel comfortable leaving the house right now.'

I'm not sure what it is for you but it’s those little moments of reaching out with compassion and saying, "I see you. You matter, and I can do this for you."

And it needs to be things you're comfortable doing. Somebody may ask for something which is beyond your capabilities right now, and that's okay too. We're stronger together if we find ways that we believe in and feel and connect with.

I believe we are stronger together and my invitation is that we all show that, now more than ever.

Let's stay close. #StrongerTogether.



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